Sunday, April 26, 2009

April 26, 1982

57 people are killed by former police officer Woo Bum-kon in a shooting spree in Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea.

Ever wonder why Asia has so many people? ... I am pretty sure they never experienced any apocalyptic event like the Bubonic Plague...

The population disparity with Europe is sickening! And the earthquake a few months ago only killed 50.000. That is nothing! Eh, America needs to drop a few nuclear bombs on their major cities... we missed a great opportunity during the Korean War.

I applaud Woo Bum-kon's efforts.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April 14, 1828

Noah Webster copyrights the first edition of his dictionary.

Webster is the reason why I speak American... not English. Congratulations mate. Americans need to be proud of our culture! ... not 'dis it like those whack Leftists... not this "diversity" ****...

I maintain WASP is why America is great today... When the colonists came to America, they embraced the dream, man (I feel like pretending to be a hippie today)... hence the melting pot... America was a place where they could craft their own destinies! The English, Germans... even French lived side-by-side.

This whole salad bowl movement, "we are all ingredients added to the bowl," is disgusting. It is not rooted in history. Therefore, it has no founding! It is great to keep some elements of ethnicity/pride. However, this is America. Learn to speak English. Whiner.

From Wikipedia:
"[Salad bowl] proposes a society of many individual, "pure" cultures, and the term has become more politically correct than melting pot, since the latter suggests that ethnic groups may be unable to preserve their cultures."

... Yup. Feelings, everybody.

This explains it... in 1977... I see nothing about salad. It is delicious though...

Monday, April 13, 2009

April 13, 1970

On this day, an oxygen tank aboard Apollo 13 explodes, putting the crew in great danger and causing major damage to the spacecraft while en route to the Moon.

I am glad that happened... otherwise:
  • there would not have been a great movie on it...
  • Houston would not of had a problem.
  • and Isaac Newton would not have be put in the driver's seat.
People need to realize how relevant this is today... COME ON. Safety, on my space? No. America needs to start designing more hazardous spacecraft. What is the worst that could happen? It would lead to more movies... Just imagine one in Chinese!

China, as a collective Borg entity, is capable of reaching the moon. However, they cannot return... What losers. I hope they have fun shooting down satellites whilst hacking into the Pentagon.

Furthermore, when the Chinese steal our plans, they will blow up*... Lousy up to third generation Chinese spying on us... -shakes fist-

*Kind of like that

Everyone wins. The commies need to be put in their place (like Newton), and learn the value of friendship. Their factories, producing such high quality products already, will never be able to create anything more than exploding vehicles! And if they do not spontaneously combust... a nuclear armageddon showering down over their country will surely do the job. God bless SDI.

Perhaps an 不 13 will one day be a Netflix (like a Blockbuster, but less 1990s-1980s). The world may never know... It may even spur the Chinese to overthrow their government.

I welcome Chinese Democracy... maybe it will take another 17 years.



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